Something's Not Right
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Spot the Signs

Spot the Signs
Exploitation affects hundreds of children and young people every year in Warwickshire.
Signs to look out for:
  • recieving unexpected and expensive gifts or money
  • being given cigarettes, alcohol or other expensive items
  • hanging out with older people
  • being picked up from school by strangers
  • using drugs and drinking alcohol
  • mood swings 
  • self-harming
  • sometimes disappearing or going missing
  • staying out late
  • being secretive about where you're going
  • being secretive with a mobile phone, laptop, tablet or other electronic devices
  • lack of interest in activities and hobbies
  • skipping school

If you think someone in particular might be exploitating you, for example a boyfriend, girlfriend, partner or friend, here are some questions to help you.
Questions to ask yourself
  • Do they lower your self-esteem?
  • Are they physically, mentally and emotionally abusive towards you?
  • Do they make you feel guilty if you don’t do what they want?
  • Are they trying to isolate you from your friends and family?
  • Do they give you gifts but expect you to give them something in return? E.g. a sexual activity
  • Do they control you?
  • Do you feel unsafe?
If you answered 'yes' to some of these questions and need advice please get help by calling 01926 414144 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or report it to Warwickshire Police via their website or calling them on 101. 

You can also talk to an adult you trust such as a family friend, relative, teacher or another adult.

Always call 999 in an emergency if you or someone you know is in immediate danger. 

Remember, help is always available.